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Inclusive Law operates across a range of activities. This section provides some background to some of our activities and some examples of them in operation.
We discuss what are the appropriate activities with each client. This may include training, seminars and professional development to people across an organisation, the provision of information and research suitable for practical applications, briefings and updates on legal and other developments, and providing engagement in reform and change management.


Deep levels of knowledge are vital in this changing area of business and human rights. This requires the ability to research and understand the developments and set them out in coherent, analytical, practical and cohesive ways. Our applied research often includes interviews, surveys and close consultation with participants as to how the issues operate in practice. 

Our high quality research has included clarification of parts of the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, exploration of the application of human rights due diligence by companies, and explanations of the impacts of comparative legal developments around the world.  


Our training is aimed at assisting both capacity building and professional development. It extends to those directly involved in decisions about business and human rights issues, including lawyers, and to others.

Our training has included working with judges and government legal officers, including in developing countries, with corporations across various sectors, and in supporting small and medium sized enterprises and non-governmental organisations.



If issues of business and human rights remain at the policy level and are not implemented or operated across all areas of governance then there is rarely any impact. Our work aims to assist in this impact and in providing positive outcomes for all involved.


We have worked with companies across many sectors, governments and intergovernmental organisations, and civil society across many regions. This has included , for example, small and medium sized enterprises in Africa, civil society in Asia, and regional organisations in Europe.


The rapid developments in the business and human rights area has seen new national legislation, more and more case law, and a range of new international documents. We keep abreast of these developments and are often directly involved in the developments themselves.

We have provided information to governments considering legislative changes, including as special advisors, provided expert advice on the treaty process, appeared before courts, and clarified the developments to various audiences.

Thanks to Mike Hall

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